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# Time: O(N)
# Space: O(N)
from collections import Counter
class Solution:
def characterReplacement(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
Sliding window approach, optimized
def window_size(l, r):
return r - l + 1
# Need to keep track of frequency of each character in the
# window
count = Counter()
# We can optimize the prev sliding window approach by just keeping
# track of maximum frequency/count of an element we've seen so far.
maxf = 0
l = r = 0
result = 0
while r < len(s):
# Increment the frequency of the `r`th char
# If right's frequency is bigger, make it the new
# max frequency
maxf = max(maxf, count[s[r]])
# Refer to neetcode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqXU1UyA8pk
# TODO: Document this approach my own way
if window_size(l, r) - maxf > k:
l += 1
result = max(result, window_size(l, r))
r += 1
return result