Given a binary tree `root`, a node _X_ in the tree is namedĀ **good** if in the path from root to _X_ there are no nodes with a value _greater than_ X. Return the number of **good** nodes in the binary tree. **Example 1:** **![](** Input: root = [3,1,4,3,null,1,5] Output: 4 Explanation: Nodes in blue are good. Root Node (3) is always a good node. Node 4 -> (3,4) is the maximum value in the path starting from the root. Node 5 -> (3,4,5) is the maximum value in the path Node 3 -> (3,1,3) is the maximum value in the path. **Example 2:** **![](** Input: root = [3,3,null,4,2] Output: 3 Explanation: Node 2 -> (3, 3, 2) is not good, because "3" is higher than it. **Example 3:** Input: root = [1] Output: 1 Explanation: Root is considered as good. **Constraints:** * The number of nodes in the binary tree is in the rangeĀ `[1, 10^5]`. * Each node's value is between `[-10^4, 10^4]`.