# Time: O(N) # Space: O(N) # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution: items = swaps = None def recoverTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> None: """ Do not return anything, modify root in-place instead. """ # Get the almost-sorted tree as an array self.items = self.inorder(root) # Find the elements that need to be swapped self.swaps = self.identify_swaps(self.items) # Walk the tree and fix the matching values self.walk_fix(root, 0) def inorder(self, node): """ Return list of elements in almost sorted order (BST property implies that in-order traversal produces sorted list) """ return self.inorder(node.left) + [node.val] + self.inorder(node.right) if node is not None else [] def identify_swaps(self, items): # We need to swap two values so keep two variables x = y = None for i in range(len(items) - 1): # Problem states that we at most need to swap one item # at index i to another item at index j to get the sorted # list. If this is the case, the larger value to swap will # be seen first and later on, the smaller value will be seen # e.g. 1 4 3 2 # and 2 1 if items[i] < items[i + 1]: pass else: # Condition fails when we see (4, 3) in first e.g and (2, 1) # in second example. We immediately assign i+1th value to cover # a case like the second example where swaps are right next to each # in last iteration y = items[i + 1] # In (2, 1)'s case, immediately goes to this block and iteration stops # when iteration condition becomes False. # # In first example's case, we get to (4, 3) in which case: # # y = items[i + 1] = 3 # x = items[i] = 4 # # We keep looping until we hit (3, 2) and this time, it's the lower value # so y is reassigned to 2. x is already set previously to 4 so now we can # break and return the values to swap. if x is None: x = items[i] else: break return { x: y, y: x } def walk_fix(self, node, i): """ Does in-order traversal of BST and if node.val matches a key in self.swaps, replaces it with the swapped value """ if node is None: return self.walk_fix(node.left, i) if node.val in self.swaps: node.val = self.swaps[node.val] i += 1 self.walk_fix(node.right, i)