require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/neo') class AboutPatternMatching < Neo::Koan def test_pattern_may_not_match begin case [true, false] in [a, b] if a == b # The condition after pattern is called guard. :match end rescue Exception => ex # What exception has been caught? assert_equal __, ex.class end end def test_we_can_use_else result = case [true, false] in [a, b] if a == b :match else :no_match end assert_equal __, result end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def value_pattern(variable) case variable in 0 :match_exact_value in 1..10 :match_in_range in Integer :match_with_class else :no_match end end def test_value_pattern assert_equal __, value_pattern(0) assert_equal __, value_pattern(5) assert_equal __, value_pattern(100) assert_equal __, value_pattern('Not a Number!') end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # This pattern will bind variable to the value def variable_pattern_with_binding(variable) case 0 in variable variable else :no_match end end def test_variable_pattern_with_binding assert_equal __, variable_pattern_with_binding(1) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # We can pin the value of the variable with ^ def variable_pattern_with_pin(variable) case 0 in ^variable variable else :no_match end end def test_variable_pattern_with_pin assert_equal __, variable_pattern_with_pin(1) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # We can drop values from pattern def pattern_with_dropping(variable) case variable in [_, 2] :match else :no_match end end def test_pattern_with_dropping assert_equal __, pattern_with_dropping(['I will not be checked', 2]) assert_equal __, pattern_with_dropping(['I will not be checked', 'But I will!']) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # We can use logical *or* in patterns def alternative_pattern(variable) case variable in 0 | false | nil :match else :no_match end end def test_alternative_pattern assert_equal __, alternative_pattern(0) assert_equal __, alternative_pattern(false) assert_equal __, alternative_pattern(nil) assert_equal __, alternative_pattern(4) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # As pattern binds the variable to the value if pattern matches # pat: pat => var def as_pattern a = 'First I was afraid' case 'I was petrified' in String => a a else :no_match end end def test_as_pattern assert_equal __, as_pattern end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Array pattern works with all objects that have #deconstruct method that returns Array # It is useful to cut needed parts from Array-ish objects class Deconstructible def initialize(str) @data = str end def deconstruct @data&.split('') end end def array_pattern(deconstructible) case deconstructible in 'a', *res, 'd' res else :no_match end end def test_array_pattern assert_equal __, array_pattern('abcd')) assert_equal __, array_pattern('123')) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hash pattern is quite the same as Array pattern, but it expects #deconsturct_keys(keys) method # It works with symbol keys for now class LetterAccountant def initialize(str) @data = str end def deconstruct_keys(keys) # we will count number of occurrences of each key in our data { |key| [key, @data.count(key.to_s)] }.to_h end end def hash_pattern(deconstructible_as_hash) case deconstructible_as_hash in {a: a, b: b} [a, b] else :no_match end end def test_hash_pattern assert_equal __, hash_pattern('aaabbc')) assert_equal __, hash_pattern('xyz')) end # we can write it even shorter def hash_pattern_with_sugar(deconstructible_as_hash) case deconstructible_as_hash in a:, b: [a, b] else :no_match end end def test_hash_pattern_with_sugar assert_equal __, hash_pattern_with_sugar('aaabbc')) assert_equal __, hash_pattern_with_sugar('xyz')) end end