require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/neo') class AboutSandwichCode < Neo::Koan def count_lines(file_name) file = open(file_name) count = 0 while file.gets count += 1 end count ensure file.close if file end def test_counting_lines assert_equal __, count_lines("example_file.txt") end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def find_line(file_name) file = open(file_name) while line = file.gets return line if line.match(/e/) end ensure file.close if file end def test_finding_lines assert_equal __, find_line("example_file.txt") end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # THINK ABOUT IT: # # The count_lines and find_line are similar, and yet different. # They both follow the pattern of "sandwich code". # # Sandwich code is code that comes in three parts: (1) the top slice # of bread, (2) the meat, and (3) the bottom slice of bread. The # bread part of the sandwich almost always goes together, but # the meat part changes all the time. # # Because the changing part of the sandwich code is in the middle, # abstracting the top and bottom bread slices to a library can be # difficult in many languages. # # (Aside for C++ programmers: The idiom of capturing allocated # pointers in a smart pointer constructor is an attempt to deal with # the problem of sandwich code for resource allocation.) # # Consider the following code: # def file_sandwich(file_name) file = open(file_name) yield(file) ensure file.close if file end # Now we write: def count_lines2(file_name) file_sandwich(file_name) do |file| count = 0 while file.gets count += 1 end count end end def test_counting_lines2 assert_equal __, count_lines2("example_file.txt") end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def find_line2(file_name) # Rewrite find_line using the file_sandwich library function. end def test_finding_lines2 assert_equal __, find_line2("example_file.txt") end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def count_lines3(file_name) open(file_name) do |file| count = 0 while file.gets count += 1 end count end end def test_open_handles_the_file_sandwich_when_given_a_block assert_equal __, count_lines3("example_file.txt") end end