- Update your `manifest.json` with your new version number, such as `1.0.1`, and the minimum Obsidian version required for your latest release.
- Update your `versions.json` file with `"new-plugin-version": "minimum-obsidian-version"` so older versions of Obsidian can download an older version of your plugin that's compatible.
- Create new GitHub release using your new version number as the "Tag version". Use the exact version number, don't include a prefix `v`. See here for an example: https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-sample-plugin/releases
- Upload the files `manifest.json`, `main.js`, `styles.css` as binary attachments. Note: The manifest.json file must be in two places, first the root path of your repository and also in the release.
- [ESLint](https://eslint.org/) is a tool that analyzes your code to quickly find problems. You can run ESLint against your plugin to find common bugs and ways to improve your code.
- To use eslint with this project, make sure to install eslint from terminal:
-`npm install -g eslint`
- To use eslint to analyze this project use this command:
-`eslint main.ts`
- eslint will then create a report with suggestions for code improvement by file and line number.
- If your source code is in a folder, such as `src`, you can use eslint with this command to analyze all files in that folder: