import { Plugin, loadPrism } from "obsidian"; import { SwarnamMode } from "./mode"; const PREFIX = "swarnam"; function base64ToBytes(base64: string) { const binString = atob(base64); // @ts-expect-error return Uint8Array.from(binString, (m) => m.codePointAt(0)); } function bytesToBase64(bytes: Uint8Array) { const binString = Array.from(bytes, (byte) => String.fromCodePoint(byte) ).join(""); return btoa(binString); } function asBase64(text: string) { const b64 = bytesToBase64(new TextEncoder().encode(text)); return b64; } function getIframeDoc(htmlSource: string, cssSource: string, jsSource: string) { const isDarkMode = window.matchMedia( "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" ).matches; return `
`; } function showError(msg: string, root: HTMLElement) { root.classList.add("error"); root.createEl("p", { cls: "icon", text: "⚠️" }); root.createEl("p", { text: msg }); } export default class SwarnamPlugin extends Plugin { private prismLoaded = false async onload() { // add highlight in edit mode this.register(SwarnamMode()) this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor( "swarnam", async (source, el, ctx) => { // load Prism.js to add highlight in preview mode if(!this.prismLoaded) { await loadPrism() this.prismLoaded = true } const root = el.createDiv({ cls: `${PREFIX}-root` }); let [ htmlSource = "", cssSource = "", jsSource = "", // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const ...others ] = source.split(/^\s*---\*---\s*$/m); if (others.length > 0) { showError( "Swarnam only supports HTML, CSS and JS blocks but your snippet has more than 3 blocks.", root ); return; } htmlSource = htmlSource.trim(); cssSource = cssSource.trim(); jsSource = jsSource.trim(); if (!htmlSource) { showError( "A Swarnam block must at least contain HTML", root ); return; } const sourceRoot = root.createDiv({ cls: `${PREFIX}-source-root`, }); const htmlContainer = sourceRoot.createDiv({ cls: `${PREFIX}-source-container`, }); const htmlEl = htmlContainer.createEl("pre", { cls: `${PREFIX}-source ${PREFIX}-html-source`, }); htmlContainer.createDiv({ text: "HTML", cls: `${PREFIX}-badge ${PREFIX}-html-badge`, }); htmlEl.innerHTML = h(htmlSource, "html"); if (cssSource) { const cssContainer = sourceRoot.createDiv({ cls: `${PREFIX}-source-container`, }); const cssEl = cssContainer.createEl("pre", { cls: `${PREFIX}-source ${PREFIX}-css-source`, }); cssContainer.createDiv({ text: "CSS", cls: `${PREFIX}-badge ${PREFIX}-css-badge`, }); cssEl.innerHTML = h(cssSource, "css"); } if (jsSource) { const jsContainer = sourceRoot.createDiv({ cls: `${PREFIX}-source-container`, }); const jsEl = jsContainer.createEl("pre", { cls: `${PREFIX}-source ${PREFIX}-js-source`, }); jsContainer.createDiv({ text: "JS", cls: `${PREFIX}-badge ${PREFIX}-js-badge`, }); jsEl.innerHTML = h(jsSource, "javascript"); } const iframeEl = root.createEl("iframe", { cls: `${PREFIX}-preview`, }); iframeEl.src = `data:text/html;base64;charset=UTF-8,${asBase64( getIframeDoc(htmlSource, cssSource, jsSource) )}`; } ); } } function h(code: string, mode: string) { // @ts-ignore return Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[mode], mode); }