Commit Graph

70 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
713154644b maximum-depth-of-bt py3 2022-04-25 11:30:32 +05:30
e793d395bd invert-bt py3 2022-04-25 03:35:12 +05:30
11967da94a underground-system py3 2022-04-25 02:26:09 +05:30
930aa7cee8 minimum-window-substring py3 brute force 2022-04-25 01:44:46 +05:30
0e1f96d20b permutation-in-string py3 2022-04-24 19:36:05 +05:30
2a7ce3a29f longest-repeating-character-replacement py3 2022-04-24 16:50:53 +05:30
b904a8bb91 longest-substring-without-repeating-characters 2022-04-24 12:35:00 +05:30
60066617e3 encode-and-decode-tinyurl py3 2022-04-24 02:10:44 +05:30
731af263a4 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock py3 2022-04-24 00:26:19 +05:30
ea19828ef3 trapping-rain-water py3 2022-04-24 00:07:42 +05:30
a115f39b17 trapping-rain-water py3 2022-04-23 21:28:55 +05:30
a0b3f7f134 design-hashmap py3 2022-04-23 18:32:42 +05:30
0a81a963ae two-sum-ii py3 2022-04-23 18:27:33 +05:30
43b54571cf valid-palindrome py3 2022-04-23 18:23:57 +05:30
f819e84c32 design hashset 2022-04-22 09:48:40 +05:30
fb6e386479 valid-sudoku py3 2022-04-21 17:38:18 +05:30
80245886a1 product-of-array-except-self 2022-04-21 17:06:14 +05:30
d86e3334b1 improved top-k 2022-04-21 15:14:12 +05:30
7386344b2e top-k elements bucket sort 2022-04-21 15:12:46 +05:30
25fe22ae23 add group-anagrams 2022-04-21 14:16:42 +05:30
1578bc52d6 add valid-anagram 2022-04-21 13:32:57 +05:30
4c4bf0bd5f add contains-duplicate py3 soln 2022-04-21 13:24:02 +05:30
344731ed23 binary-search-tree-iterator add py3 suboptimal soln 2022-04-21 02:10:18 +05:30
728a3f0c82 count-good-nodes in bt: add py3 soln 2022-04-21 01:28:27 +05:30
c53d6303b5 balanced-binary-tree: add py3 soln 2022-04-21 00:22:02 +05:30
fdc24da4ff add py3 soln 2022-04-20 05:20:11 +05:30
1e69bfd5dd add py3 soln 2022-04-17 03:34:31 +05:30
1153573284 add py3/node soln 2022-04-16 00:06:19 +05:30
56e8fc22e6 add py3 soln max subarray 2022-04-15 05:24:03 +05:30
7129351ed4 spiral matrix ii 2022-04-13 06:35:02 +05:30
1a09f21487 add py3 soln for game of life 2022-04-13 05:37:19 +05:30
e91751a4ce add postfix solns 2022-04-13 04:55:09 +05:30
658601137a add complement of base 10 integer soln 2022-04-13 00:38:54 +05:30
5820974811 feat(0020_valid-parentheses): add py3 soln 2022-04-12 21:08:34 +05:30
7bf796913f feat(1386_shift-2d-grid): add py3 soln 2022-04-12 00:32:26 +05:30
dbec6aae96 feat(1070_convert-to-base-2): add py3 soln 2022-04-11 23:41:36 +05:30
74770ca9b1 feat(0504_base-7): add py3 soln 2022-04-11 12:59:55 +05:30
2348097dd3 feat(0682_baseball-game): add py3 soln 2022-04-11 01:16:43 +05:30
569734d445 feat(0347_top-k-frequent-elements): add py3 soln 2022-04-09 23:15:20 +05:30
f2c76ac3f2 feat(0789_kth-largest-element-in-a-stream): add py3 soln 2022-04-09 01:21:26 +05:30
da753b2b03 feat(0959_3sum-with-multiplicity): add py3 soln 2022-04-07 02:19:51 +05:30
593824f4df feat: add counter ipynb 2022-04-07 02:19:35 +05:30
b32128e01c feat(0784_insert-into-a-binary-search-tree): add py3 soln 2022-04-05 22:02:10 +05:30
65c530be33 feat(0031_next-permutation): add py3 soln 2022-04-05 21:59:48 +05:30
27ed30d2a9 feat(0783_search-in-a-binary-search-tree): add python3 soln 2022-04-05 21:47:41 +05:30
f28be89eb3 feat(11-container-with-most-water): add py3 solution 2022-04-05 06:20:21 +05:30
1c44b21de4 better soln 2022-04-05 05:28:58 +05:30
b3d6848817 feat(0002_add-two-numbers): add py3 solution 2022-04-05 05:12:46 +05:30
cb5e32d56d feat(0128_longest-consecutive-sequence): add py3 solution 2022-04-05 04:07:51 +05:30
ee2167f554 feat(581-shortest-unsorted-continuous-subarray): add py3 solution 2022-04-05 03:45:52 +05:30